Suresh Shetty says, State intelligence services to locate doctors involved in sex determination

By Vikas Vaidya Suresh Shetty, Maharashtra’s Minister of Public Health in a high level meeting held in Mantralaya asked officials not to spare those who violate Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques (PCPNDT) act. In the meeting several measures were decided which might fetch far reaching results. The minister emphasized to all the official in public health department to be proactive and asked them to see that the violators of PCPNDT act are not spared. It was also decided to request the Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan to provide all logistical help in the statewide drive to check the violators of this act and book them speedily and try to punish them at the earliest. The meeting also discussed doctors who were caught in determining sex of the fetus in sting operations. Henceforth, it was decided that there will be better collaboration between the state nodal agency and Maharashtra Medical Council (MMC). State nodal agency would depute officers to reinforce th...