Hospital of Emotions

Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis Shailesh Joglekar Dr Anand Pathak By Vikas Vaidya IN society many people lose their near and dear ones because of various reasons. The two young boys, who are close friends, also lost their close relatives — one his father while the other lost his wife — long back. The cause of death in both the cases was cancer. Both of them tried hard to save their near ones. During the ordeal, they saw not only the plight of their own people but also of others. After witnessing such sufferings, people express their feelings and say that ‘Somebody need to do something.’ But these young boys did not think like that. The feeling of sadness or zeal to do something big for the people so that they would not suffer, triggered these young minds and after 25 years, the dream got fulfilled and National Cancer Institute (NCI) came into being. Devendra Fadnavis, now Chief Minister of Maharashtra lost his father Gangadharrao d...