MCI reduces IGGMCH intake by 50 citing several deficiencies

By Vikas Vaidya

Medical Council of India (MCI) has once again reduced the intake of Indira Gandhi Government Medical College and Hospital (IGGMCH) by 50 seats for next academic year citing some minor deficiencies. This has been happening for past one decade as the Medical Education Department, rarely bothered to honour its own commitment given to MCI and to the High Court. Applying far stricter yardsticks to this government college, the regulatory body has decided to discontinue 50 additional seats sanctioned two years ago purely on ad-hoc basis.
MCI has recommended to Central Government not to renew the permission for admission of 3rd batch of MBBS students against the increased intake from 100 to 150 for the academic year 2015-16. These 50 additional seats were sanctioned, only after a bitter legal fight wherein High Court and later Supreme Court sanctioned the additional intake for this government run medical college.
During last one and half years, substantial progress has been made to revamp IGGMCH infrastructure including construction of hostel building, multipurpose building, installation of new equipments- all under the watchful eyes of High Court.
The Chief Secretary has tendered a detailed affidavit, promising substantial financial allocation for IGGMCH and same was reiterated by Medical Education Secretary recently in an affidavit.
Earlier the intake of college was 100 seats and every year, the MCI used to reduce intake from 100 to 60 seats. The ad-hoc extension granted every academic year by MCI following judicial intervention and legal battle fought by few good men continued for last 10 years. Last year, the MCI finally restored the intake from 60 to 100 and under the new one time scheme of Union Health Ministry, additional 50 seats were also sanctioned. Under this rule, all 10 years old government run medical colleges with minimum intake of 100 MBBS seats got 50 seats more to bridge the people-doctor ratio and to provide more seats to meritorious candidates at affordable rates.
The MCI has cited shortage of faculty, less number of residents, smaller size of lecture hall, absence of deans office and some such minor reasons to deprive IGGMCH from continuing with its sanctioned intake of 50 additional seats.
Unfortunately, earlier Government did precious little on political fronts to restore the seats and it was left to people of Vidarbha to fight for themselves. Apathy shown by medial fraternity in saving seats of this government run college was also appalling. With change of guards, the new Government is expected to pay attention towards this long pending issue. However, when government has promised to improve public health sector and medical colleges run by it, the decision of MCI to curtail IGGMCH seats has come as a shocker.


Deficiencies pointed by MCI

- Faculty is 14.94% as detailed in inspection report
- Shortage of Residents is 29.4%
- Bed occupancy if 73.57% on day of assessment. Daily average bed assessment is 73.82%
- Only 4 X-ray machines available.
- No lecture theatre of capacity of 180 is available against requirement of 2. Two smaller lecture theatres are available in the hospital.
- Common rooms for boys and girls are smaller than required.
- Dean’s office is not available in the hospital.
- OPD: Plaster room and plater cutting room are common.
- Wards: In some of the departments, doctor’s duty room is shared between 2 departments.
- In casualty, ventilator is not available
- Several OT have more than one table which is not as per norms..


“Imported” Medical teachers detected by MCI

Recently during the inspection of new proposed medical colleges at Chandrapur and Gondia by MCI, the medical teachers shown on rolls were actually imported from IGGMCH and GMCH. Unfortunately this has been noticed by MCI Inspectors. This may have serious implications on the prospects of these medical colleges. State Government needs to address the issue of vacancy of teachers, opined one senior doctor.


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