Maharashtra Government to conduct Combined CET for MBBS, engineering

By Vikas Vaidya

Maharashtra Government has decided to conduct Combined Common Entrance Test (CET) for the admissions to health sciences as well as engineering courses, from 2016. Four years ago State Government used to conduct such test which was controlled by Directorate of Medical Education and Research (DMER) successfully.
State Government had successfully conducted combined CET for around four years. But then Medical Council of India (MCI) had brought National Eligibility Entrance Test (NEET) that was conducted only in one year. Private medical colleges approached Supreme Court and NEET got canceled. Then both CETs got separated for engineering and health science courses. In the year 2014, Government started participating in Joint Entrance Engineering (JEE) for admission to engineering courses. This year State Government conducted its own CET for health sciences courses.
In a bid to reduce the stress of appearing for multiple Common Entrance Tests (CET), Minister of Education Vinod Tawde has announced a combined CET from next year for admission to engineering, medical and pharmacy courses.
Following opposition from parents, experts and student representatives the state decided to discontinue NEET, which was based on the class XI and XII syllabus and replaced it with the old pattern of MH-CET.
The NEET was based on CBSE pattern, but after it was discontinued, all criterion related to the NEET have also been discontinued. The CET conducted this year for admissions to health sciences courses does not have negative marking and based on the syllabus of Class XII only, which will be continued.
State has decided that admissions to engineering courses would also be conducted based on the MH-CET and JEE scores would be discontinued. Combined CET would be possible as students will be given the option of choosing the subjects they would like to appear for from chemistry, physics, maths and biology.
Like the earlier times when State used to conduct Combined CET, the students had an option of appearing for both Biology or Mathematics. Same pattern would be applied for the Combined CET to being in the year 2016.


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