RTMNU to freeze admns of Colleges sans varsity-approved teacher

By Vikas Vaidya

Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University (RTMNU) has decided to come down heavily upon colleges which want to go for continuation of affiliation but running with teachers sans University approval. If these colleges fail to take required measures, University will freeze the admissions of such colleges, to be done for academic year 2019-20.
Some colleges have permanent affiliation so they do not have to follow the required procedure. But the colleges which have to get themselves affiliated to the university every year (continuation of affiliation) have to follow the new rule. The Deans committee of University has prepared the guidelines under which they frame the new rule.
At present most of the colleges have teachers with recognition from university. But this letter will not work as per the new rule. University circular says, every department of all colleges must have teacher appointed by selection procedure involving university. The selection procedure conducted after appointing a committee with the inclusion of representatives from the related university.
Even though a teacher has all the required qualification he or she will not be fit as per the guidelines unless he or she has approval from university. Secondly, the teacher qualified for taking classes of Under Graduate course must have approval for UG teaching. Similarly the teacher who teaches students of Post Graduate (PG) course must have PG teaching approval.
There are UG level teachers with recognition for teaching PG students. Such teachers will not be considered for teaching PG students, the guideline says. The circular signed by Dr Raman Madne, Deputy Registrar (Department of Colleges) makes it clear that colleges should appoint teachers with proper and correct bifurcation.
However, University  has given a little solace to colleges by asking them that right now they need not appoint all the teachers by selection procedure but they should have at least one teacher from each department to be appoint as per the guidelines laid down by the deans committee.
University will be soon appointing the Local Enquiry Committees (LEC) which would start their work of visiting colleges as a part of inspection. The committees would see whether the things in the colleges are in order. The circular by College Department has made it clear that the colleges failing to appoint at least a teacher in every department by selection procedure before the visit of LEC, will have to face the music.


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