Maharashtra Govt brought physiotherapy in the ambit of Health Scheme

By Vikas Vaidya

Maharashtra Government has decided to widen the scope of Rajiv Gandhi Jivandayi Aarogya Yojna (RGJAY) and provide facility of Physiotherapy under its ambit. Already, there are over 900 procedures included in the scheme for below poverty line patients. However, Physiotherapy, which is a very essential component of treatment and post-operation, is being included for the first time.
Going a step further, State Government is also planning to include new procedures, such as hip and knee joint replacements along with physiotherapy. The RGJAY aims at providing health care access to socially disadvantaged sections and provides cashless health insurance in 30 specialised categories and various procedures and  follow-up packages for beneficiaries covered under the above poverty line (APL) and below poverty line (BPL) categories and those who hold Antyodaya and Annapurna ration cards.
The scheme covers hospitalisation expenses of Rs 1.50 lakh per family on a floater basis annually in empanelled hospitals. All types of physiotherapy, including post-operative physiotherapy, was proposed to be covered. However, the inclusion of new procedures and categories will depend on the state's negotiations with the public sector National Insurance Company in this regard.
The then Public Health Minister Suresh Shetty had launched the RGJAY in 2013 in eight districts of Maharashtra — Mumbai city and suburbs, Amravati, Nanded, Dhule, Gadchiroli, Solapur and Raigad. Later, the scheme was extended to other parts. Despite change of guards, the new Government also decided to continue the good scheme by removing its shortcomings.

Chinchalkar always propogates post-operative rehabilitation

The internationally acclaimed Hand Therapist Shrikant Chinchalkar has always propogated post-operative rehabilitation that includes physiotherapy that plays an important role. Taking leaf out of Chinchalkar’s book, Maharashtra Government has included physiotherapy in RGJAY. It means it has realised the importance of physiotherapy. Chinchalkar, a product of Nagpur’s Government Medical College and Hospital went to Canada in the year 1978 and developed four centres of post-operative rehabilitation there. Whenever any accident or injury takes place, Orthopaedic Surgeon performs the surgery or procedure. In many cases the physiotherapy is not advised or recommended. Fearing further injury, patient tries to avoid any movement of the treated part. But,a well-trained physiotherapist can properly guide the patient.

Cochlear Implant too in the ambit of RGJAY

Earlier only outer problems of deafness could be corrected through surgeries but with the advent in technology now inner problem too can be corrected through Cochlear Implant. In Nagpur presently it is being done by Dr Madan Kapre, noted ENT Surgeon. Dr Kapre has started it 10 years ago. Dr Kapre has been batting to make this implant affordable. He has been saying that Government should take initiative as this treatment is costly.
The detection of deafness in newborn is critical problem because of lack of awareness among people and doctors. The only solution is Cochlear Implant but it should not be delayed beyond a point. Because it has neurological implications also. Fund is the major problem in Cochlear Implant. It require lot of money and so people ignore. “Now as Government has decided to include it in RGJAY it will help patients and people would not avoid the treatment,” pointed Dr Kapre. Government is planning to merge the Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram's aid for cochlear implants.


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