Maharashtra loses 350 MBBS seats, gains 300

By Vikas Vaidya

Maharashtra Government on one hand has lost 350 MBBS seats but got 300 seats, still loser of 50 precious seats. Gondia, Chandrapur are out of question this year. 50 seats each are reduced in Akola, Yavatmal, Latur, Kolhapur and Dhule. As far as Vidarbha is concerned only Indira Gandhi Government Medical College and Hospital got its increased quota.
Government has shown fair enough approach as far as batting for colleges is concerned. In gain part four colleges from four regions got the weightage. Juhu from Mumbai got 150 seats, Miraj (Western Maharashtra) got 50 seats, IGGMCH from Vidarbha has increased the quota from 100 to 150 and Dr Shankarrao Chavan Government Medical College, Nanded got renewal of 50 seats taking its intake from 50 to 100.
For new medical college at Gondia, MCI pointed out deficiencies while not recommending the college to Central Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
In  view  of  above,  the  Executive  Committee  of  the  Council  decided  to
return  the  application  for  establishment  of  a  new  medical  college  at
The proposal of new medical college with 150 intake at Juhu, Greater Mumbai being run by Municipal Corporation at Greater Mumbai was sent to MCI. The  Executive  Committee  of MCI  considered the compliance verification assessment report
and decided to recommend the college.
Akola and Yavatmal did not get their quota of 50 increased seats as MCI pointed out deficiencies especially the inadequate staff. Dr Shankarrao Chavan Government Medical College, Nanded was expecting renewal of the seats from 50 to 100. Government acted fast and filed the compliance that resulted in getting 50 increased seats to college. But Kolharpur’s Rajarshi Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj Government Medical College, Shri Bhausaheb Hire Government Medical College, Dhule also lost 50 seats.
In case of Yavatmal college, executive  committee  of  MCI further  noted  the  Order  of  the Nagpur Bench of Bombay High Court and decided to forward the matter to the Central Government, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.

Deficiencies pointed out by MCI


- Deficiency of faculty is 77.77 % as detailed in the report.
- No fresh  appointment  of  any  faculty  or  Resident  since
previous  assessment.  No  Professor,  Asso.  Prof.  and  Asst.  prof.  reported
for attendance.
-No permanent Dean.
- Preclinical  departments  of  Anatomy,  Physiology,  and  Biochemistry  are
not fully functional.
-Students’ Hostels are not available.
- Residential  quarters  for  faculty  and  non-teaching  staff  are  not  available in
the campus.
- Labour room is not as per specifications.

- Shortage of Residents is 48.88 %
- Only  3  mobile  X-ray  machines  are  functional  against  requirement  of  6.
- Only  2  static  X-ray  machines  are  functional  against  requirement  of  5.
- Central  Library:  Available  area  is  2,000 sq.m.  against  requirement  of
2,400 sq.m.
- OPD attendance is 987.
- Out of 11 Major operations, 6 were in Ophthalmology leaving total only 5
operations amongst all other departments.
- Cleanliness is not good in hospital premises.


-Deficiency of faculty is 35.97 %.
- Shortage of Residents is 38.62 %.
-OPD attendance: Daily average is 737 against requirement of 1,000.
-Only  3  mobile  X-ray  machines  are  available  against  requirement  of  6.
- Only 3 static machines are available against requirement of 5.
- Lecture  Theater:  No  lecture  theater  has  capacity  of  180  as  required.
- Anatomy  department:  Only  10  Dissection  tables  are  available  which  is
-Blood component separation facility is not available.

Loss                Gain
Gondia-100            Juhu, Mumbai- 150
Akola-50            Miraj-50
Yavatmal-50            IGGMCH-50
Latur-50               Nanded-50
Total-350            Total- 300


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