Stroke affects more women than men

By Vikas Vaidya

Stroke affects more women in India than we realize it. The stroke occurs in 60% men and 40% women from 140 new cases out of 100,000 Lakh patients. A brain stroke occurs when blood flow to the brain is interrupted suddenly by a blocked or a burst blood vessel. The brain needs constant support of oxygen, glucose and other nutrients.
Dr. Ajay Kurve, Sr. Consultant – Neuro Surgery with Wockhardt Hospital said, “Remember Stroke symptoms are mostly painless but very dangerous. Once Stroke sets in, the damage will be lifelong. Majority of patients end up being paralytic, some of them will die because of various complications.”
Dr. Shrikant Kothekar, Sr. Consultant – Interventional Radiology pointed out, “To spot Stroke patient quickly, International Bodies suggested knowing FAST. FAST stands for FACE drooping while smiling or showing teeth, not able to raise the ARM properly, Slurred SPEECH. It is high TIME to rush to a stroke centre.”
Dr. Ketan Chaturvedi, Consultant - Neurology working with Wockhardt pointed out, “Brain strokes are commonly two types. Ischemic and hemorrhagic. 88% is of ischemic origin which is a treatable condition if the patient reaches to the hospital as soon as possible. Stroke management is a time bound treatment.”
Proper evaluation and treatment may cure the patient without major complications. The available medicine, rtPA, is a biotechnology medicine which can clear the clot block in the blood vessel and improves blood flow to the brain, added Dr. Ankur Jain, Consultant Neurology.
Dr Nandini Gokulchandran, Deputy Director, Neurogen Brain and Spine Institute said  “Our patient studies illustrated that 51.8% of patients showed significant improvements, 29.6% of patients showed moderate improvements, mild improvements were observed in 11.1% of the patients, promising a future they always deserved. The stem cells administered during the course of the therapy repaired the damage in the stroke affected regions of the brain by increasing their metabolism.”
The risk of stroke increases as you get older however, it may affect women as young as 18 years old. While the classical symptoms of stroke for both men and women are common, but certain symptoms occurs exclusively in women. Obesity on the rise in India is a cause of stroke for women. Emotional stress is a another cause. Ther stress increases your BP resulting in rupturing the brain artery, said Dr Sachin.

Oral  Health  and  Stroke

Researchers have proved that oral infection appears to be associated with increases in risk of brain stroke. Ulcers are more commonly seen in the mouth of stroke patients. Stroke leads to inability in  brushing of  teeth  on the effected side, difficulties with rinsing of  mouth,  this could ultimately lead to dental  caries and gum diseases. Certain medications can lead to a dry mouth, a constant sore throat, difficulty in communicating, etc informs Dr.  Farooque Khan, Consulting Periodontist and Implantologist.


  1. Nice post

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