UGC Chairman for redefining role and focus of education


                                                             Prof Ved Prakash addressing.

UGC Chairman for redefining
role and focus of education

By Vikas Vaidya

Expressing a deep concern over dwindling number of qualified teachers, institutions with ideal infrastructure and lack of robust academic discussions in campuses, the University Grants Commission (UGC) Chairman Prof Ved Prakash on Saturday advocated need to redefine role and focus of education in the country.
Delivering convocation address during 98th convocation of Rashtrsant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Prof Ved Prakash pointed out fast changing nature of society, mind-boggling scientific changes, sea change in value system, redefined roles of materialism and spirituality requires equally profound change in the education system. Dr Vilas Sapkal, Vice-Chancellor of RTMNU presided over the graceful function held at Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Campus.
Prof Ved Prakash threw light on the identity, governance and crisis of governance being faced by the institutions all over the world. Missing zeal to excel in research, learning and innovation; absence of trained manpower and visionary leaders have plagued institutions of higher learning.
UGC Chairman advocates need to provide educational infrastructure to widen the access of higher education and to make it accessible and inclusive providing equal opportunity to students from backward regions, socially and economically weak background. To create workforce for contemporary world we require quality teachers, management’s and institutions to implement interdisciplinary programmes.
He wondered as to why teachers do not discuss critical issues like poverty line and growth of BPL category pointed out by Suresh Tendulkar report at campus and conduct intellectually stimulating discussions and advised them to do so. He asked teachers to encourage scientific temper, rational abilities of students and encourage them to explore new knowledge and raise pertinent questions.

UCG Chairman’s advice to students

Continue life-long learning, invest in books, update yourself, acquire more skills, aim to carve a niche for yourself in chosen field, excel in life, become leaders and bring laurels for your family and society, advised Prof Ved Prakash, Chairman, University Grants Commission. He was delivering his convocation address during 98th convocation of Rashtrsant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University.
Approach learned persons and interact with them to gain better insight. Study life-stories of great people and remember there is no short-cut to success and never broke down with failure-because there are more downs in life than the ups. Accept the failure and learn from it. Failure is not destination, it is a mode in the long journey of life, Prof Ved Prakash stated in his erudite address.
Prof Ved Prakash called for introspection and redefining needs of the education sector in the fast changing world. We need to produce technically and scientifically skilled workforce required for the modern world. We need universities where teachers and students can connect themselves to the world. We have to visualise the future challenges and have to prepare the students accordingly so that the relevance of the preparation will remain intact even in future. We also have to take into account the tensions prevailing the traditions, materialism and spirituality.


Gems from UGC Chief’s speech

- Students should run after the truth. Truth is just like a diamond which has multiple facets.
- You should compete where there is less competition and that field is honesty.
- Power of perseverance is another aspect which can lead you to success and for that confidence is needed.
- Acquire the ability to forgive others.
- We try to understand others but have we ever tried to understand ourselves?
- Whichever language we speak we should speak it with fluency. Language building is a very important part. While preparing for language we need to get emotionally involved.
- We must feel highly obliged to centres of learning that is our universities and colleges.
- If you can work hard honestly then you can get what you want.
- As John Gardner says we need to know that self pity is a diffidence and amongst the toxic drugs, always remember no matter how hard you try to please, some people on this earth not going to love you.

RTMNU will scale new heights: Dr Sapkal

Dr Vilas Sapkal in his presidential address said, “Students need opportunity to acquire skill of different areas through acquiring knowledge from different inter-disciplinary subjects. University is an unique place where inter-disciplinary expertise are available which are normally under-utilised. But considering the global perspective our university is gearing up. This is evident when we got the model college at Gadchiroli and for which a grant of Rs 8 crore has been sanctioned. We have started Post graduation in Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering and Commerce, Buddhist Studies and Journalism. We have began course in Forensic Science.”
“The areas such as energy and food security, climate challenge, pharma-biotech, electronics, automobile, which are fast growing sectors have potential to generate large number of employment. The image of university is getting built up on the merits of students. I want RTMNU to produce students who have social views, human touch. University is planning to establish co-operation with industry in India and abroad along with other Universities and research institutions. The existing syllabus is to be restructured, new courses are to be introduced and use of international expertise through virtual classroom is to be tapped,” pointed Dr Sapkal.
Dr Maheshkumar Yenkie, Registrar and members of various authorities were also seated on the dais.
Prof Moiz Haque and Komal Thakre compered the convocation ceremony. Dr Maheshkumar Yenkie proposed vote of thanks. Ex-Supreme Court judge Justice Vikas Sirpurkar, Senior Lawyer Adv Kumkum Sirpurkar, Dr Kamal Singh, ex-Vice-Chancellor of Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Dr R S Sapkal, Head, Department of Chemical Technology, Amravati University former Registrar Subhash Belsare, Senate member Prof Anil Dhage, Prakash Gajbhiye and others were present.


Roma Mishra tops the table

Roma Mishra a student of LL B (Five years) of S P College of Law, Chandrapur has topped the table with 13 prizes. Gyothish Nair (could not attend), LLB (3 years), Dr Ambedkar College of Law, Deekshabhoomi, Chetankumar Shriwas (B.Sc) of R S Bidkar College, Hinganghat and Manisha Bisne (M.A. History), N M D College, Gondia followed Roma by securing 11 prizes. Ujjwala Kosare of Vasantrao Naik Institute of Arts and Social Sciences and Priyanka Betram (B.Sc-I) of SFS College received 8 prizes with medals.


With pic w/emails/gyotish.jpg Gyotish Nair

He skipped function to defend Motherland

When Dr Anjali Hastak, Dean, Faculty of Law called the name of Gyotish Chandran Nair, winner of 11 prizes in faculty of Law, to everybody’s surprise he did not turn up. 
He was a student of Dr Ambedkar Law College, Deekshabhoomi. When The Hitavada contacted Prof Hema Menon of Dr Ambedkar College, she said, Gyotish was a very brilliant and sincere student. He is serving Indian Air Force since last 13 years. He completed his Law with such a flying colours even when he was in job. This is very creditable. As per his friend Vishwajeet Mondal who is also studying Law, Gyotish is now posted in Srinagar as Sergeant, Administrative Duties.”
Gyotish has done his M.A.(Pub.Admn.). When everybody was receiving their medals at the glittering convocation function, Gyotish was busy in protecting our country.

3320 Ujjwala Kosare.jpg Ujjawala Kosare of Vasantrao Naik Arts and Social Science College won 8 prizes. 3336 Priyanka Bertrem of SFS college receiving 8 prizes.

Despite poor financial condition Chetankumar shines 3331 chetankumar Shrivas.jpg

Chetankumar Chandrakumar Shriwas whose father runs a Paan kiosk, received eight gold medals and three prizes for scoring maximum marks in
As financial condition of family is not well therefore, the teaches at private coaching classes. He scored 82 per cent in 10th and 83 per cent in 12th. He tried for PMT and PET, but luck was not with him. He finally took the admission in R S Bidkar Collage, Hinganghat and scored maximum marks in B.Sc. Now,  he is pursing masters degree in Botany at J B Science collage, Wardha to fulfil dream of his lecturer in collage. Chetankumar was very confident on his victory and told ‘The Hitavada’ that, he was sure that he would score maximum numbers in exam.

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Twin sisters- Preeti and Swati Aawale, daughters of Dadarao Aawale, received prizes for excelling in LLB. They were students of Dr Ambedkar Law College, Deekshabhoomi. While Priti Aawale bagged three gold medals, a silver medal and a prize, her sister Swati got a gold medal. Both competed with each other to taste the success. Priti and Swati told ‘The Hitavada’ that, they studied eight to ten hours a day. Now, they are doing Post Graduation in law and aspire to enter legal field.


Meditation helped Roma
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Roma Vijayshankar Mishra, student of Shantaram Potdukhe Law Collage, Chandrapur who received maximum number of prizes in the convocation (13 prizes with eight gold medals, two silver medals and a prize) for securing maximum marks in five years LLB course. Regular yoga and meditation practice helped Roma to achieve this grand success. Roma said, she did hard work that bore the fruits. Ph.D. in law is her next goal. She is not keen to enter private practice and has plans to study business law and pursue academic career.


Married Manisha bring laurel for her family 
3360 manisha bisen with family.

Manisha Dulichand Bisne, a teacher in Zilla Parishad school at Belati village in Tiroda tehsil and daughter of a farmer received Seven gold medals, a silver medal and two prizes for securing highest marks in MA (History). Interestingly, Manisha achieved this awesome success after marriage. Her husband encouraged her and actively supported her to study hard without bothering for household chores. Manisha told ‘The Hitavada’ that, her father was farmer in Devsara village in Tumsar tehsil. She married Tarendra Rahangdale who is lecturer in a college. She wants to use her knowledge in teaching profession and wants to do Ph.D.

Ph.D to four Buddhist Priests

Dr Phramaha Suphol Saleengram, from Thailand, Dr Bhikkhu Yam Satyapal, Dr Bhadant Nandawardhan Bodhi, Dr Bhikkhu Dhammasevak received Ph.D for study in Pali literature.
Phramaha Suphol Saleengram who is from Thailand, studied history of Buddhist people and submitted his research to RTM Nagpur university. He said that, from last Six years he was in Nagpur and did MA in History. As Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar took Deeksha of Buddha Dhamma at Nagpur so he selected Nagpur for his study. Now, he wants to go to USA for teaching.
When asked about future planning, Dr Bhadant Nandawardhan Bodhi said that he would write literature on Buddha. He submitted his research on ‘Sulpithkamadhe Maar Sankalpana- Ek Adhyayan’. Dr Bhikkhu Yam Satyapal submitted his research on ‘Pali Tripitikatil Upama- Ek Adhyayan’.


*This is for the second time that university held convocation at its own campus. Earlier it was done during the tenure of Dr Arun Satputale.

* Function started right at 11 am.

* A grand pendal was erected where thousands seated quite comfortably

* Large number of LCD TV screens were arranged at different places in the pendal

* It was a rare moment when Dean of Social Science Dr Bhupesh Chikte declared his own name while reading the names of Ph.D holder as he too was awarded Ph.D.
In 2006, Dr G D Dube, then Dean of Faculty of Education was also among the Ph.D holders and had awarded degree to himself.

*The number of Ph.D holders was less in faculty of Law, Home Science and Ayurved.

*Anil Hirekhan, Deputy Registrar, Prof Yeshwant Patil, Head, Department of Physical Education also received Ph.D.

* C C Handa, who was the candidate for Dean’s election also received Ph.D in Engineering.

*Dr Pramod Yewle read the name for Ayurved and Medicine also

* Dr Vedprakash Mishra- who adored convocation dais since 1982 was absent from stage this time as he is not dean or member of any authority of RTMNU.


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