This American girl came to Nagpur for her treatment.

                            The filth in government hospital continued,

 Dr Abhay Gajbhiye, Superintendent of Mental Hospital who brought so many improvements in this hospital

GMCH suffers from PMSSY fever, BoT injection to IGGMCH

Implementation of PCPNDT Act, some aggressive steps by Suresh Shetty keep Doctors on move

Acts like MTP, sex determination experienced curb


By Vikas Vaidya

Public health institutions are in disarray and needs rejuvenation. Government Medical College and Hospital (GMCH) which handles thousands of patients every day, needs renovation, but barring cosmetic changes, precious little has been done. Much-delayed modernisation of Indira Gandhi Government Medical College and Hospital (IGGMCH) has failed to take off even during 2012 and yet again it may lose 40 MBBS seats. A routine announcement was made during winter session about IGGMCH modernisation, but going by the past experience, this is likely to be followed only in breach.
The IGGMCH modernisation project was kick-started in 2004 during the regime of Dilip Walse-Patil. Since last eight years, the project has not moved an inch. Every year IGGMCH has to beg to restore 40 seats, and MCI after criticising Maharashtra Government and IGGMCH usually accepts the request. Only multi-utility building and girls hostel have been constructed and this year the MCI has no representative from Nagpur. Earlier it was Dr Vedprakash Mishra who used to help IGGMCH in getting back the 40 seats but since the inception of new body at MCI, that hope too has shattered. Next year only almighty can decide the fate of 40 seats. It was because of Dr Kishor Taori (Chairman of Maharashtra Medical Council) that Radiology and Orthopaedic Department of IGGMCH got recognition of MCI for PG.
GMCH is getting entangled with Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojna (PMSSY). Though under the leadership of Dr Rajaram Powar it experienced some progress, but the problems like dirt, strained relationship of doctor-patient, some infrastructural problems, inadequate stock of medicines continued this year. There is a steady decline in the number of patients attending Outpatient Department (OPD). The reasons behind this are government’s ignorant view towards these premier institute, absence of political will, failure of Hospital Integrated Management Service (HIMS) etc.
Banning the mobile Ultra Sonography (USG), restricting Radiologists to perform USG at only two places, hiking fees for USG registration, prohibiting buying back or disposing off USG machines are some of the important decisions taken in this year. Some decisions like effective implementation of PCPNDT Act curbed the acts like sex determination, female foeticide. Cathlab came to Super Speciality Hospital with the efforts of Dr Sudhir Gupta who took lot of efforts for the same along with Dr Mukund Deshpande.
ASHA workers to get payment through their own accounts so no corruption can take place.  Rs 2000 crore health perspective plan has been declared by Public Health department. Epilepsy awareness programme began with the fund of Rs 48 lakh from National Rural Healh Mission (NRHM), Janani Suraksha Yojna, improved transportation are some of the important steps taken by public health. After Bhushan Gagrani who now is working as MD of MIDC, Suresh Shetty got equally able officer in T C Benjamin.

Police recovered stolen baby within 24 hours

The stealing of a new born baby and swift action by cops helped in recovering a baby-girl. Police Inspector Rajendra Mayne and his colleague Sub Inspector Shripad Nehare found stolen baby of Shashikala Jibhkate within 24 hours.

Controversy over three new medical colleges

The dispute began after the announcement of three new medical colleges in Maharashtra. In these three places (Gondia, Chandrapur and Baramati)  there are no hospital run by Medical Education department so they will taking Public Health’s hospital. Public Health department will give these hospitals for the time being only. So it will be a challenge before DMER to run the new colleges. Some experts said that when the condition of existing hospitals (Yavatmal’s Vasantrao Naik Government Hospital, Akola GMC, GMCH, Nagpur, IGGMCH) is not good then why this tearing hurry to start new colleges?

Dead woman delivered a baby in new year

At the stroke of midnight when entire city was welcoming the new year (2012), a couple of doctors were performing something unique and rare in recorded medical history-safely bringing out a baby from a dead woman’s uterus. As the world ushered into 2012, the miracle baby made his entry on this earth braving all odds, a medical team led by Dr Seema Dande heaved a sigh of relief and thanked the almighty for being part of this rare process.
Had Dr Seema Dande rushed to hospital sacrificing the new year bash, performed a c section (cesarean) upon a dead woman and brought the baby out of her uterus. The baby is alive.
For such a delivery to happen, so many things came together-- the lady had completed perfect 38 weeks of pregnancy, relatives gave consent for the delivery and Dr Seema Dande’s acumen-- and baby came into this world in new year which was a pleasant gift from Dr Dande to Mogre family-which was grief-sticken due to sudden death of their daughter-in-law.

A baby of all-12

A few minutes after midnight of 12.12.12, a very special child  came into the world at Dr Shembhekar’s Om nursing clinic. The little one, has 12 fingers and 12 toes.
The atmosphere at Dr Chaitanya Shembekar's hospital at Ramdaspeth was very enthusiastic. Mohamad Naeem and his wife Shameem was the happy couple.

Finally NEET to be held

Finally Government of India has decided to hold National Eligibility Entrance Test (NEET) for the admission to MBBS and PG Medical courses. NEET was in the controversy last year as most of the states had opposed NEET. There was a spate of litigations over NEET.
Now private managements running medical colleges are fighting over this issue as they are opposing NEET.



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