Sleep patterns have impact on health

By Vikas Vaidya

It's not just the lack of sleep, but sleep patterns and routines too, influence and determine your health, reveled Dr Rajesh Swarnakar, well-known Chest Physician at Getwell Hospital.
Dr Swarnakar said, “If you can not sleep during night hours, and have to sleep during daytime, then it may be lead to increase in waist. Women can experience decreased fertility and also there is a risk of cancer for men and women both. Losing out on sleep during the night could also make you more likely to demonstrate dark personality traits such as deceitfulness and narcissism.”
Dr Sushant Meshram, who has Sleep Centre which is Central India’s first one said, “Everybody knows the importance of a good night's sleep. Lack of good sleep many times result into feeling low on energy, lethargic, weak. If one has lack of sleep for the whole month, then his or her social life becomes difficult. Lack of sleep is also associated with some major lifestyle diseases too.”
Dr Nainesh Patel, another young chest physician echoed the same thing. He said that there was a link between dark personalities and erratic sleeping habits. A survey conducted that did a research on the sleeping patterns of the people. The observation revealed that those who did not sleep during night are more likely to steal sexual partners from others, added Dr Patel
There is one more danger about wrong sleeping patterns. Pointing that, Dr Meshram said that those who could not take their sleep during night hours tend to eat breakfast within half an hour of waking up. There is a fear that these people may develop habit of overeating, that may result in weight gain. Such people always feel that they are deprived of good sleep, but unfortunately because of job demand they have to go with that habit, pointed Dr Meshram.
Dr Patel said, “Such people without proper sleep patterns may develop diabetes. These people are at greater risk of suffering from breast cancer. Secondly they may experience of more stress than other persons.”
Dr Swarnakar said, “It is a fact that sleep is one aspect that is ignored as its impact are not seen immediately. Like there are myths and those are considered true unfortunately. If one snores then it is said that he or she is having good sleep. Unfortunately this is total myth. Snoring can create so many disorders like one can loose memory, their performance can go down, they can have greater risk of heart ailment. Generally those who sleep late night are habitual of snoring.”


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